Tuesday, February 12, 2019

half-assed shazam

* Scholar/enacter duality Artist Edy acts symbolically on symbols - duality of our interaction as underpinning esp to the dialog that results in a blog post Scholar Marigny speaks & and listens to the entity, the living idea, for which the symbol becomes a container, a living container with which the artist dances. The conversation the scholar has with the idea is endless as tides, and characterized as tides are by an endless back-and-forthness which tosses up onto the shore of human experience (the sand upon which a human can stand and breathe and live and gather from) pearls and shells and even fish that supply human needs. The conversation the scholar has with the entity-living-idea is a deep dive into the sea of what-we-humans-make-into-meaning. * “Meaning” is a word we use to describe the freight that a symbol carries across the bridge of metaphor. The freight can be a signal of status (a diamond solitaire on a gold band carries the meaning "you are my fiancee” — the ring bought as a symbol of a decision already made and a status already achieved) or the freight can be a spark that ignites change (insert example here Marigny) — * We need the dance artist do with symbols because what artists produce prods, urges forward, challenges, and thus reveals much that might otherwise remain unexplored about the context we’re using. Artists enact the contradictions (comedians are especially good at this — George Carlin was a master) and the irony (Banksy) in our sea of context, or they explore latent power (Pablo Neruda’s poetry of love, Rilke’s poetry of the spirit). They perform much of the work of the highest order of skill and insight that maps the sea of context. * Scholars enter a deep communion with the sea by diving deeply into it and living in its caves. They are navigators and sailors and guides — they marry mermaids and farm cockle shells. They speak the language of whales. They are poets who use prose to give as perfect a knowledge of a world beyond the grasp of most humans as they can draw in precise, perfect detail — they are continuing the work of the Codex of Leonardo da Vinci. * We need to constantly tend/improve/teach-others-about/update/practice our facility with our shared context because we humans make, carry and rely upon so much context in order to successfully use the symbol systems we share. I need to know that LOL means “I’m laughing” or a brief text message might seem rude rather than funny. Okay, my brain is exhausted now. But that shit I just wrote is fuckin’ off the chain.

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